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24 May 2011

Syukur alhamdulillah.... done co-cu's paper. it was so amazing!!! when i refer to that paper, this is first time aku siapkan dgn cepat dan awal lagi puas hati... if before this, aku jawab apa yg aku fhm and last aku review again..but today, aku jawab dgn puas hati...Alhamdulillah...berkat doa mak ayah dan usaha aku selama ini. this is last semester and Insya semester, i will be going as an English Teacher... to my beloved parents, thanks for everything...hopefully, i can achieve my ambition... Love Mak Ayah!!!

MooD : ExaM...

hey!!! exam da paper for today is Co-curriculum in education. this paper is about the subject that the teacher should teach the students in Jasmani's class. teacher kena ajar mcm mana students nak jadi good leader in the group. this subject not too difficult but Insya Allah, i can do as I can... to my cousin, 'sis, how was the food? it is delicious? ...sis, i'm gonna miss u so much!!! take care..^_^

23 May 2011

miss her so much!!!

Assalamualaikum...da lama saya x update my blog... anyway, too busy with assignments and tests.. today, revision day for final exam tomorrow. but, i need to share something because my heart wasn't feeling better... actually, our feeling maybe same as i left her 2 years ago.. but, what i know...she's seorang yg kuat and tabah dlm menghadapi pelbagai cabaran. she'e good in her academic... but then, she left me yesterday.. sis, so sorry because atie xdpt nak hantar. but u know what, i feel so sad.. i'm crying!!! even in class, i cant concentrate as i'm thinking of you.. we grew up together... Ya Allah...i love this person so much!!! i assume her as my sister as i never feel have a sister who cares of me.. she always encourages me so that i can study properly until finish.. no one can change her roles ( sister ) in my life... hopefully, dia boleh siapkan projectnya di London dgn jayanya.. if she reads my blog, i want to say that..' sis, i miss you so much!!! take care of yourself.. eat halal food. sit properly.. don't cares of other people.. don't miss the solat.. May Allay bless you always... '